

王清波 1981.03



职称:副教授 (博导)



2005/09-2008/07, 浙江大学,理学院物理系,博士

2002/09-2005/07, 郑州大学,物理工程学院,硕士





2016.02-2017.02 德州大学达拉斯分校(The University of Texas at Dallas),访问学者


(1) 凝聚态物理(材料物理):ZnO等二维材料的光学性质,磁学性质。

(2) 地球物理(矿物物理):ZnO、MgO等矿物材料的高压下的光学性质、磁学性质,其中的地震波波速的计算等。

(3) 矿物材料科学与工程,应用化学:矿物材料的利用,新型矿物的化学合成,制备及其改性,其催化性能研究等。


1) 主持国家自然科学基金,铁对D″层铁方镁石矿中弹性波影响机理的模拟研究及对该矿组分的约束意义(2015-2017)。


3) 主持中央高校基本科研经费,缺陷和掺杂对不同结构ZnO影响的第一性原理计算研究(2011-2013)。

4) 作为主要成员参与国家自然科学基金,柔性衬底上p型氧化铜、氧化锡基透明导电薄膜的制备及机理研究(2015-2017)。

5) 作为主要成员参与国家自然科学基金,铁的价态和自旋对D〞层后钙钛矿中地震波速的影响机制(2012-2014)。

6) 作为主要成员参与国家自然科学基金,氮原子对几种典型基态非简并聚合物的光学性质及电导率的影响机制研究(2013-2013)。

7) 作为主要成员参与国家自然科学基金,延迟双红外脉冲激光在非接触式手术运用中的机理研究(2011-2013)。


(1) Wang, Q.-B., Yang, J., Liu, Z., Wen, Y., Chen, R., & Shan, B. (2022). A first-principles based microkinetic study of ZnMn1.5TM0.5O4 (TM=3d transition metal) for NO oxidation. Applied Surface Science, 600, 154069.

(2) Hao, L., Kamboh, M. A., Su, Y., Wang, L., Zhang, M., Zhang, J., & Wang, Q.-B.* (2022). Ab initio study of the electronic, optical, and water-splitting properties of Fe-doped ZnO monolayer. Physica E, 137, 115059.

(3) Wang, L. R., Kamboh, M. A., Hao, L., Su, Y. A., & Wang, Q.-B.* (2021). The electronic and optical properties of ThO2 under pressure calculated by GGA plus U method. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 53, 467.

(4) M.A. Kamboh, H. Wang, L.R. Wang, L. Hao, Y.N. Su, L. Chen, Q.-B. Wang* (2021), Ab initio study of the thermodynamic, electronic and optical properties of WC (B-h) phase ZnO under pressure, Materials Science and Engineering B, 265, 115008.

(5) Y. Miao, Z. Wang, H. Zhao, Q. Chen, H. Wang, M. Wan, L. Chen, K. He, Q.-B. Wang* (2020), First principles studied tunable electronic and optical properties of 2D honeycomb ZnO monolayer engineered by biaxial strain and intrinsic vacancy, Materials Science and Engineering B, 254, 114517.

(6) Z. Wang, H. Wang, L. Wang, H. Zhao, M.A. Kamboh, L. Hao, Q. Chen, K. He, Q.-B Wang* (2020), Influence of Cu dopant on the electronic and optical properties of graphene-like ZnO monolayer, Physica E, 115, 113702.

(7) H. Zhao, Y. Miao, Z. Wang, M. Zhang, C. Zhou, H. Wang, L. Chen, M. Wan, K. He, Q.-B. Wang* (2019), First-principles study on the electronic and optical properties of two-dimensional graphene-like Zn1xVxO (x=0.0625, 0.125)monolayer, Physica E, 113, 143-151.

(8) Q.-B. Wang*, T. Li, H. Wang, H. Li, Y. Miao, Q. Chen, M. Wan, L. Chen, J. Sun, K. He, G. Zheng (2018), The thermodynamic, electronic and optical properties of GeP type ZnO under pressure calculated by Debye model and hybrid function, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 211, 206-213.

(9) Y. Miao, H. Li, H. Wang, K. He, Q.-B. Wang* (2018), First principles and Debye model study of the thermodynamic, electronic and optical properties of MgO under high-temperature and pressure, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 32, 1850047.

(10) Q.-B. Wang, C. Liang, Y. Zheng, N. Ashburn, Y.J. Oh, F. Kong, C. Zhang, Y. Nie, J. Sun, K. He, Y. Ye, R. Chen, B. Shan, K. Cho (2017), First principles study of the Mn-doping effect on the physical and chemical properties of mullite-family Al2SiO5, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19, 24991-25001.

(11) Y. Miao, H. Wang, H. Li, K. He, Q.-B. Wang* (2017), The GGA+U method studied the effects of Cu doping on the formation energy, electronic and optical properties of V-doped ZnO, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 49, 286.

(12) Wang Q.-B.*, C. Zhou, J. Wu, T. Lü, K.-H. He (2015), GGA+U study of the electronic and optical properties of hexagonal BN phase ZnO under pressure, Computational Materials Science, 102, 196-201.

(13) Wang Q.-B., Y.-W. Wen, R. Chen*, B. Shan* (2014), A hybrid functional study of the electronic and optical properties of tetragonal PbO-type phase of ZnO under pressure, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 586, 611-615.

(14) Li, L. J., Y. K. Luo, Q.-B. Wang, H. Chen, Z. Ren, Q. Tao, Y. K. Li, X. Lin, M. He, Z. W. Zhu, G. H. Cao*, Z. A. Xu* (2009), Superconductivity induced by Ni doping in BaFe2As2 single crystals, New Journal of Physics, 11, 025008.

(15) Wang Q.-B.*, C. Zhou, L. Chen, X.-C. Wang, K.-H. He (2014), The optical properties of NiAs phase ZnO under pressure calculated by GGA+U method, Optics Communications, 312, 185-191.

(16) Wang Q.-B.*, C. Zhou, J. Wu, T. Lu (2013), A GGA plus U study of the optical properties of vanadium doped ZnO with and without single intrinsic vacancy, Optics Communications, 297, 79-84.

(17) 王清波, 郑广*, 何开华, 陈琦丽, 喻力, 龙光芝和曾中良 (2011), 高压下ZnO的结构、弹性性质和吸收光谱的第一性原理研究, 高压物理学报, 25(01), 61-67.

(18) Wang, Q.-B.*, G. Zheng, Q. L. Chen, M. Wan, and X. C. Wang (2012), First-principles study of single intrinsic vacancy formation and its effect on the electronic density states and magnetic moment of V-doped ZnO, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 407(4), 719-723.

(19) Wang, Q.-B.*, C. Zhou, Q. Tao, and Z. A. Xu (2011), Single crystals Sr14-xCaxCu24O41 grown under different oxygen pressures by optical floating-zone technique, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 40(11), 1897-1900.